Leveraging Agro Tech with “Fox ERP for Agriculture”

Leveraging Agro Tech with Fox ERP for Agriculture

Aug 2022

Farming is one of the most significant inventions that humankind has made. It heads back to thousands of years ago when agricultural practices were first introduced.

Call it a means of survival by producing crops and vegetables or a necessity to human civilization. Still, agriculture has played a pivotal role in shaping any economy in the world.

There are countries whose GDP is directly linked to their agricultural output, then some countries share a dominant chunk of their economy with the farming activities they cultivate.

Years have gone by, agricultural activities have observed developments in how agro practices are performed, farming activities are carried out, and economic transitions are made from agricultural processes.

A recently conducted research suggests that the market value of agro tech will reach USD 41 Billion by 2026. Factors such as the rise in technological advancements, increasing need for tech in agricultural practices, and surge in demand for digitized businesses have pushed the market for agro tech further up.

Moreover, enhanced productivity, higher output, and scalable profits make agricultural practices achieve more with less.
That’s what digitization does to any sector. It not only offers benefits that cut down costs, save time, and improve efficiency but also lead to advancements that fuel the industry with unparalleled features.

Agro Tech refers to the implementation of technology in performing agricultural activities. With the rise in digitization, emerging technologies such as IoT are gaining traction in the agro sector, enabling significant players to drive value from it.
The increasing demands for food and shortage of labor across the globe have pushed the agriculture robots, commonly known as Agribots, to gain attention from farmers and agro players.
Emerging technologies have resulted in the spike of recent advancements, such as embedding sensors and AI technology that allows robots to work more rigorously.

The advancements in Agricultural practices below have made it all a digitally driven agro technology.

1. Robotics in Agriculture

Robotics has observed a wiser application in agro practices.
Welding robots are used for digital image processing by looking through the images of weeds in their database, detecting similarities with crops, and spraying them directly with their robotic arms, streamlining the overall process.

2. Drones in Agriculture

Drones equipped with sensors are used for mapping and surveying the farms.
Drones are controlled remotely and automatically through software-controlled flight plans in their embedded systems, working in tandem with sensors and GPS, allowing tracking of crop status.

3. Remote Sensing in Agriculture

Like other emerging technologies, remote sensing is also finding broader applications in agricultural practices.
Remote sensing refers to acquiring data from different nodes in a farm’ IoT-based remote sensing utilizes sensors placed along with the farms like weather stations and transmits to analytical tools for analysis, allowing farmers to monitor the crops from the analytical dashboard and act based on insights.

Similarly, ERP software, too, is finding its applications in the majority of farming activities.
From embedding sensors and utilizing drones to generate data through satellites, ERP has also found its place in agro activities.

Activities such as generating automated payment requisitions, maintaining crop repositories, and enabling farmers and business players to make decisions based on data analyses ERP has eased agro practices.

“Fox ERP for Agriculture” streamlines crucial agricultural business processes and drives excellence and digitization in the most efficient ways.


Digital has become an integral part of businesses these days.

With the rise in digitization, agriculture practices are also getting digitized, enabling businesses to streamline the agricultural business processes by leveraging IoT, sensors, and other digital technologies.

“Fox ERP for Agriculture” is revolutionizing the entire value chain of agro-business by reshaping several agro-business processes.

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